Practice Nurse - Cranwell Medical Centre - 37.5 hours

Ref: E38244
Start Date:01 Apr 2025
End Date:18 Jul 2025

•To work as part of a multi-disciplinary team, under the Defence Primary Healthcare (DPHC) organisation, delivering Primary Health Care (PHC) services and elements of Occupational Health and Health Promotion to the Defence Medical Services (DMS) entitled Population at Risk (PAR).
•To be responsible to the Senior Medical Officer / Lead Clinician / Senior Nurse and provide routine clinics as directed to meet the needs of the organisation and the PAR.
•To be involved in the development and implementation of programmes of care/ service delivery within their scope of practice; utilising Information Systems (IS) to interrogate/support clinical audit and conduct service evaluations.
•To assess, plan, implement and evaluate clinical care of patients in the provision of nurse led clinics, including communication with senior clinicians, outside agencies and disciplines as required.
•To contribute to, and if acting as the Lead Nurse to co-ordinate, in association with the Senior Nurse / Lead Clinician, the line management, supervision and development of other nurses / untrained personnel and ensure individuals work within their individual scope of practice.
•To undertake and remain in date for all mandatory training as set out in the most current DPHC Guidance Note entitled Mandatory Training for Locums, Agency Staff and single Service personnel working within DPHC.
•To maintain patient safety and support and promote healthcare governance activity.
•To undertake training and demonstrate competence to issue medications via Patient Group Directives (PGDs) and Patient Specific Directions (PSDs), in accordance with Joint Service Policy and as determined appropriate by the Senior Nurse / Lead Clinician.

•Must be Registered Nurse (Adult) Level 1 with Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and hold a valid, in date Personal Identification Number (PIN) and not be subject to any restrictions of practice.
•Must hold current, valid personal medical indemnity insurance.
•Must have a minimum of two years post registration experience in PHC practice.
•Must have a minimum of one year’s post registration in a Band 6 or higher grade in a Primary Healthcare (PHC) setting (within the last three years).
•Must be in date for Basic Life Support (BLS), Anaphylaxis, Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and be able to provide certification.
•Must have completed Immunisation and Vaccination Foundation Training in accordance with national immunisation and vaccination standard training requirements (Public Health England) and either:
-be able to provide certification; or
-be able to provide proof of clinical competency of the same from a previous employer or Line Manager, who is a current and practicing GMC or NMC Registrant, for Immunisation and Vaccinations (dated within the last 12 months).
•Must be in date for Immunisation and Vaccination annual update e-learning training (to include young children if engaged within a family practice) and be able to provide certification.
•Must be in date and able to provide certificates of training/qualification/update, as undertaken within the last three years, and/or be able to provide proof of clinical competency of the same from a previous employer or Line Manager, who is a current and practicing GMC or NMC Registrant, for:
-Travel Health
-Minor Injuries
-Minor Illness / Common PHC Presentations Essentials of Chronic Disease Management/Long Term Conditions (Asthma; COPD; CHD; Diabetes; CVD; Hypothyroid)
-Evaluation of the deteriorating patient e.g. use of Medical Early Warning Systems (MEWS).
-Child Health in Primary Care (only if working in a families practice as identified in the Demand Order)
-Cervical Cytology Sample Taking (only if working in a Medical Facility where an essential requirement / skill gap is identified within the Demand Order)
-Preparation for Mentorship; Supporting Learning and Assessment in Practice (SLAiP); Mentorship and Assessment in Practice; Clinical Supervision or equivalent
-Travel health.

•Must be in date and able to provide certification for Safeguarding Children and Young People and Safeguarding Adults up to and including Level 3 training.

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