Dental Hygienist - Larkhill Dental Centre - 37.5 hours

Ref: CWX38393
Start Date:01 Apr 2025
End Date:30 May 2025

Job Description:
• To provide the Dental Officers with clinical and administrative support to enable him/her to achieve his/her primary purpose, including the provision of dental hygiene treatment, oral hygiene instruction and education and any other appropriate clinical procedure as prescribed by a Dental Officer working towards improving and maintaining the oral health of entitled personnel.
• To undertake all activities described in the GDC Scope of Practice. Carrying out work under the direction of a registered dentist who has examined the patient and indicated in writing the course of treatment to be provided. This is in accordance with the Dental Auxiliary Regulations 1986, as amended by the Dental Auxiliaries (amended) Regulations 1991.
• To ensure that not less than 6.5 hours per day in 2 sessions are set aside for appointed patients.
• To comply with all Health and Safety Policy directives and legislation.
• To maintain own appointment book when a receptionist is not available and liaise between Dental Officer and patients concerning appointments.
• To carry out preventive cross infection procedures including sterilisation of instruments and materials in compliance with current legislation (HTM 01-05) and best practice as described in DPHC (Dental) SOPs Chapter 17.
• To manage his/her surgery to a high standard at all times with respect to cleanliness, equipment maintenance (including end-of-day), documentation and security.
• To accurately record treatment on the integrated Electronic Health Records (either) such as the Defence Medical Information Capability Programme (DMICP).
• To ensure that all periodontal patients and other risk categories that are entered on the IEHR are recalled for reviews and annual inspection appointments.
• To collect and promptly file FMed 271s of his/her concern, reporting any appointment delays or FTAs to the Practice Manager, receptionist and/or patient as appropriate.
• To carry out interim treatments (between dental examinations by the dentist), provided that the treatment intervals have been specified in the written prescription. (This is a GDC ruling and applies to DHs working in general practice,
community or hospital service.)

Essential Requirements/ Qualifications/ Experience:
• Must be a fully qualified hygienist registered with General Dental Council (GDC) without restrictions.
• Must hold valid suitable and appropriate indemnity insurance with a recognised dental defence organisation.
• Must have completed GDC highly recommended Continuing Professional Development (CPD) including medical emergencies, safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, disinfection and decontamination, radiography and radiation protection.
• Must be trained and current in emergency and resuscitation procedures and have practised and tested these procedures at least annually in accordance with Resuscitation Council (UK) guidelines and (in accordance with JSP 950 Leaflet 4-6-1 DMS CPR Standards and Training.
• Must have undertaken the additional health clearance checks for clinicians required to perform Exposure Prone Procedures (in accordance with the Department of Health policy entitled “Health clearance for tuberculosis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV: New Healthcare Workers”).
• Must be in date and able to provide certification for Safeguarding Children and Young People and Safeguarding Adults up to and including Level 3 training.

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